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Dade County Library

Scan, Copy, Fax, and Laminate

Scanning, Copying, Faxing, and Laminating Information


Scan................$0.25/page on to a flash drive

Dade County Library has loaner flash drives for in Library use only.

Dade County Library has Flash Drives for sale....$4.00


Black/White single one-sided 8.5" XS 11".........$0.10/page
Black/White doubled-sided 8.5" X 11"........$0.15/page
Black/White one-sided legal size........$0.15/page
Black/White doubled-sided legal size.......$0.20/page
B/W Tabloid size (11"X17") single...$0.25/pg...double...$0.40/pg

Color 1/2 sheet (8.5"X11") or less........$0.50/page
Color 1/2+ to Full (8.5"X11").....$1.00/pg
Color Legal........$1.50/pg.......Tabloid.......$2.00/pg


To Send or Receive a Fax...............$0.50/page
To Send (only) to Toll Free Number...............No Charge

******Faxing a double-sided page will require a copy of one side......$0.10******

******Cover Sheet Provided.....$0.10 plus price to Fax******


Small (ID size - 4"X6")....$1.00/pg

Medium (8.5"X11")..........$2.00/pg

Large (12"X18")...............$4.00/pg

Dade County Library CAN NOT laminate Social Security Cards or Photos

Staff must scan, copy, fax, and laminate all materials.  Patron confidentiality and privacy will be maintained. If a patron has multiple items and/or there are other patrons in the library needing assistance, non-library services take a lesser priority