Internet Use Policy
Computer Use Agreement Policy
Dade County Library
Dade County Library cannot be held responsible for and does not have control of monitoring the information accessed through the Internet. The Internet contains a wide variety of material and opinions; not all sources provide information that is accurate, complete, or current. Be aware that computers in public areas are shared by people of all ages and sensibilities. Some sites may be considered offensive. The library recognizes the right and responsibility of parents to monitor, restrict, and/or determine their own children's access to the Internet, as with all other Library resources.
1. Patrons wishing to use the library computers must sign onto individual
computers with the library card number. Patrons MUST use their own library card. Use of another person's card or number will result in both parties' loss of computer privileges. 1st Offense--1 month loss. 2nd Offense-6 months loss. 3rd Offense-1 year loss.
2 Parents and legal guardians must also assume responsibility for deciding which Library resources are appropriate for their own children. Parents or legal guardians should guide their children in use of the Internet and inform them about materials they should not use. Children under 11 years of age will not be allowed on the computers unless a parent or legal guardian is with the child. Patrons ages 12-16 may be allowed on the computers with written permission from a parent or legal guardian. (Forms are available at the Circulation Desk.) Patrons 16 and older may use the computers without parent of legal guardian permission.
3. Patron access time is limited to one hour. Additional time may be available at the discretion of the librarian if no other patrons are waiting to use the computer.
4.Computers may be reserved for one hour per day. Late patrons will lose their reservation.
5. Patrons may not use personal software programs on library computers. Patrons may not download programs on the library's computers. Computer and Internet settings may not be changed.
6. Patrons using audio applications must provide and use their own headphones. Patrons must be courteous when using the sound so that it does not disturb others. Patrons may not receive of make cell phone calls while in the library.
7. Personal CD's of flash drives may not be used in any computer without being scanned for viruses by the staff before each use.
8. Black/White print copies must be paid for in advance at the Circulation Desk. Refunds will not be made for patron printing errors. One-sided prints are $0.10 per page. Doubled-sided prints are $0.15 per page.
9. Library staff can sometimes help with basic computer use but cannot provide in-depth training in the use of the computer or the Internet.
10. Patrons owing $1.00 or more in fines and fees will be blocked from using the Library's Internet computers. Patrons are encouraged to return overdue items or work out a payment plan with Library Director.
11. Staff members have the right to interrupt or cancel the use of a computer. Abuse of the rules, equipment, or software may result in the loss of computer privileges or library privileges in general. Patrons using library computers for illegal activity or who destroy or attempt to destroy hardware or software may be suspended from using the library and shall be liable for civil and/or criminal legal action. Violation of current Missouri law (Missouri Revised Statutes 573.010 and 573.060) in regards to accessing and displaying pornographic and /or obscene materials will result in the suspension of computer privileges as well as civil and/or criminal legal action.
12. Patrons agree to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Dade County Library, its employees, and agents from any claim, demand, liability, cause of action, suit, judgement, or expense, (including attorney fees), arising out of any breach of this policy statement.